
Mom Knows Best......

Sunday, February 27, 2005

There will be no B5 Movie! ARRGGgggggg!

Trekweb confirmed that J. Michael Straczynski has posted a message that the B5 movie project has been cancelled.

This is not good. I was looking forward to such a project. Hopefully, some day, we will get to see B5 on the big screen. (As long as it's a good project. I would rather see nothing if it's crap.)

Save Enterprise Music Video

Now I have seen it all! Here's a music video to save Enterprise from cancellation.

Scenes from Enterprise set to the theme music with messages pleading for the series' survival.......

Very cool. Too bad it so futile.

Dawn of the Newest 'Ol Fogie......

It's official: I am an 'Ol Fogie.

Today I went to Hollywood Video to rent the newly released Miami Vice Season 1 DVD set.

I looked for it on the shelf, but didn't see it. I figured I would ask about it. It could've been rented out, in a different area, you never know.

I asked the kid up front if they had the Miami Vice DVD to rent. He asked, "Miami Vice? Just, "Miami Vice"? There's nothing else to the title?"

"No, just Miami Vice", I told him.

The girl working up front goes, "I never heard of it. What is it?"

I explained to her it was an "80's series.

She then says, "Oh, I think I remember it! It's a dance show, right?"

By this time, the dude looking in the computer confirms that it is not available to rent.

Now keep in mind, they rent X-Files, King of the Hill, Simpson's and even PeeWee's Playhouse. But no Miami Vice.

They were totally clueless.

The series that defined the idea that melding Music Videos and shows were not only possible, but Good! So much of what they watch and consume from a performance standpoint, originated here.

And they are clueless.

I am a total Old Fart and I didn't know it until today.

I need a Bartles and Jaymes wine cooler.

Friday, February 25, 2005

Vox Blogoli 2.2: Where's the Rope??

From Hugh Hewitt Central:

Vox Blogoli 2.2: Does the Senate GOP Go McClellan
or Grant if Harry Reid "Goes Gingrich?"

"The Democratic leader, Harry Reid of Nevada, has said that if the
Republicans made good on their threat and ruled filibusters out of order, he
would see to it that Senate business came to a halt."

I am a big believer in the old adage of giving someone enough rope so they may hang themselves. It has been suggested that the overwhelming negativity from the Democrat side of the aisle in the Senate especially, has been an attempt to channel Newt. Unfortunately, they forgot that part of the Gingrich strategy was to bring out new ideas. So far, all we have heard is “no, no, no, wrong, wrong, wrong” with no alternatives to right these negatives. In other words, they are channeling half of Newt.

If Senators Schumer, Byrd, Kennedy and maybe Clinton, do filibuster and shut down the government, every Republican leader should be demanding lights, camera and yell “action”! This would do more to tick off Middle America than they can imagine. The only people a Filibuster would make happy are the far-left nutcases that think the lefty leadership has been too nice and cooperative (think Michael Moore.)

I am very different from most Republicans. I hope everyday that some lefty opens their mouth. I hope they exercise their free speech rights. A trifecta dream would be Ward Churchill, Kennedy and Byrd talking about the same subject during the same news cycle. That’s worth a bag of popcorn!

The problem is, the Congress of the U.S is beginning to act like the beaurocrates that inhabit the rest of the government; they believe they are going to stay there forever and the elected officials from the Executive Branch are “Christmas Help”. This is a very snobby perspective, but perhaps a realistic one. Anyone elected to Congress will probably be re-elected. Their motive is to “get along” with everyone else because the Presidency will change every 4-8 years. They have no motivation to radically change things; the status quo works best for them.

The person in this mix that is the Radical and has the motivation to change is the President. One of the first things he said after the re-election in November is that now he has “political capital” and he plans to spend it.

I hope one of those rather large budget items for the political capital is getting Federal Judges confirmed. If not, he has squandered his capital.

If the President does spend his Capital on Judges, I hope the Senate Republican Leadership has enough guts to follow him.

P.S. Isn't it against Employment Law to discriminate against a person based on Religion? If Judicial candidates cannot meet the "religious litmis" test that keeps pro-life candidates from the bench, isn't this against the law? Just asking.......

Wednesday, February 23, 2005

What a Way to Go!

I don't normally make it a habit to read Obituaries. But this one jumped out at me: Jane Mulholland Finch,

born July 14, 1925 in Esmond, S.D. died Friday February 18. 2005 from complications after a Hang Gliding accident in the Swiss Alps.

Did you catch that? 79 year old Granny died from a Hang Gliding accident. How many grannies go like that? But the next sentence is what makes this priceless:

Jane and celebrity husband Howard Finch fell deeply in love and married in 1956. They traveled the world together conceiving 4 children in such exotic locales as a gondola and the SS France.

Ok, it starts out well. She falls in love with a celebrity and they get married. Did you get the "conceiving" part? They didn't have children in exotic locales. they made them........ Isn't that a little bit too much information?

After that intro, the rest of the obit was fairly pedestrian: African Safari, trekking the Himalayas, gourmet cook, reader, skier, 3 languages, blah, blah, blah....

I'm just thankful they put the cause of death in there, so many are omitted.

I just wish I knew who "celebrity" Howard Finch was. 15 minutes of Googling doesn't really show.

There is an online Guest Book, and from the comments there, she seemed to be as incredible as her obit suggests. One lady thanks her for teaching her Tae Kwan Do.... There is a nice picture of her water skiing.

All and all, it looks like Jane had a pretty exciting life. Rest in peace.

Monday, February 21, 2005

President's Day

Happy President's Day!!!

This year, my new employer treats this as a holiday. Yeah. Really.

(Last week one of my team members mentioned she was not going to be at work on Monday. I wished her a great day. Then another coworker told me the same thing. Then my new boss said he was going to be at home on Monday. I mentioned to one of the coworkers that it sounded like I was going to be the only one at work on Monday. She said, "yeah you would be since it is a company holiday......" Imagine my look of suprised stupidity!!)

In honor of Presidents Day, here's a link to a quiz:

I'm George Washington!!

Have a GREAT DAY!!!

UPdate & LST Cross Post

I know it's been a while, sorry.

I got a new job!!! It's with a great company. I am doing the same thing I did before and they have an entire department and they are paying me better! Things could not have turned out better if I had ordered it up from the Big Guy (I have a feeling he had a LOT to do with this!!!)

In the meantime, I have had to get used to the whole rat race thing all over again.....

That means less time for blogging.

I did make a LST post. The first one since the major redisign of the site.

The new redesign means that I can get feedback. Which is great!

Anyway, things are getting back to "normal"..... I'm all crazy again!!

Friday, February 04, 2005

More Rich Goody Geeky Stuff

At the risk of appearing that I might be turning this blog into a SciFi blog, I found more info on two of my favorite shows: Babylon 5 and Free Enterprise.

First of all, an interview with Robert Burnett, Director and Writer of Free Enterprise. The release of the new, Special Edition/extended version/director's cut is slated for release around the end of May. The interview is full of tidbits that only a fanboy/fangal could love! He addresses why the DVD is hard to get (duh!) and the status of the sequel (he's writing it and should be finished in the next couple of weeks)!!!! (It was tentatively titled, "My Big Fat Geek Wedding".)

I loved this movie and just wished it had come out sooner (like when I was young). I would have been a lot more comfortable in my own "geek skin".......

FYI.... not suitable for young children. It is rated "R" for a reason.

J. Michael Straczynsk, producer, writer and creator of Babylon 5 has communicated via moderated news group that the B5 movie, THE MEMORY OF THE SHADOWS, is in a critical stage, in terms of being fully produced and made. Here's hoping..........

All Good Things, Must Come to an End.

Well, it's official. Star Trek Enterprise, has been cancelled.

That is such a shame because this iteration, has been outstanding. Much better than Voyager. To some degree, better than The Next Generation (especially, the first 1-4 seasons.) My personal favorite is Deep Space 9.

Scott Bakula, Captian Archer in Enterprise, has been a real leader on and off the screen. He has been to just about any talk show that would have him to try and drum up interest.

As with all the Star Trek shows, this one was really beginning to hit it's stride. I think viewers have declined because of "viewer fatigue" with the Star Trek franchise. Remember, it's been going strong since The Next Generation hit back in 1989 (or so). That's not bad.

The final episode is to air on Friday, May 13 and is being written now.

At least there is the new Battlestar Galactica on the SciFi channel.

If you would have told me 25 years ago that Star Trek was revived and played continuoustly for 16+ year in series and/or Movie format, the newest Star Wars movies were weak, and the best TV sci fi was a new Battlestar Galactica series, I would have thought you lost your mind! But that, is what has happened.

It just goes to show you, anything is possible.

P.S. A new extended version of Free Enterprise will be realeased in a double DVD version with new extra goodies soon. Yes!! Not everything is bad.

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Chills... Chills......

I'm still watching the State of the Union speech...... I am tearing up watching the Iraqi women, Sophia, stand there while the highest levels of the U.S. government applaud her in a standing ovation. She is showing her "blue finger" salute of voting power while morphing it into a "V" for victory. Absolutely fabulous!

OK, now I am bawling! The President just intoduced Sgt. Norwood's parents. It seems Sgt Norwood was killed during Falluja. They are there to represent military families. While standing there, during the standing ovation (much deserved), Sophia and Mrs. Norwood embrace.

What a country!!

What's going on?

Wow, it's 1:00 a.m. I can't sleep just yet. I can't decide if it's the brain that got ramped up and can't let go or the Diet Coke. Maybe both?

I'm watching the State of the Union speech. According to the reports, President Bush did well. I hate watching these speeches live...... I love the members of Congress holding up "blue" fingers, I am assuming, to signify solidarity with Iraqi voters. Very powerful message. Bravo! Well Done!

I had to complete some online training modules for the company I am supposed to work for, prior to working for them. They weren't exactly walks in the park. You had to pay attention and take a quiz. That means, you have to concentrate. That takes longer than just "clicking though". Well, I passed the quizzes. Hopefully, they will call tomorrow and tell me Monday will be fine to start, as originally anticipated.

Very mixed feeling about it all. I've been not working since the end of September. I haven't finished everything I wanted to accomplish. The house still needs work. But breaking your foot will put a damper on things.

My foot is better, but not completely healed. The Dr. Told me to wear shoes and take off "the boot". My foot may never heal, but as long as it's not painful, big deal.

This was the longest period of time that I have not worked since I was 18. I will miss some of the things that I have grown accustomed to. For instance, I won't be able to get to the Salvation Army Store on Wednesdays for 1/2 price clothing day. I won't be able to spend the day with my "old friend" that recently moved into the area. Being able to run around Houston with her has been a total treat! The problem for both of us is that we have so little time on the weekends. That time MUST be spent with our family. We were able to go do things together without kids and husbands.

I've also been able to devote time to my other guilty pleasures, Sci Fi shows. I am so bummed that I will not be able to watch the series end to Seven Days. The same for Deep Space 9 (although I saw that). I love watching those shows. It's hard to do so, especially on the "big" TV because the kids are more into Sponge Bob than the fate of the universe. I have hope for my little guy, he seems somewhat interested in space things; maybe I have a viewing buddy in the making. I could have sworn I had one with my middle girl. I'll never forget the time we went to NASA open house. She was 3 and her face was PLASTERED on the shuttle bus. (She probably looked hysterical to any person out side the bus :) She was very intently looking at the people outside. I finally asked her what she was looking for. She wanted to know "where were the aliens"! I told here there were no aliens. Then I realized what was going on. I had explained to her earlier that NASA is where the people that work in space, work when they are NOT in space. She saw those space shows mom watched; Babylon 5, Star Trek (pick your iteration), she just KNEW aliens existed there. Who knows, maybe she's right.

Cue "creepy music"....

The truth is out there...............