
Mom Knows Best......

Tuesday, July 20, 2004

Music is Fun!!

There's nothing like moving pictures set to music in This Land.

(Note: It may take a while to load, but it is worth it!)

If you don't find this funny, you are hopelessly humor challenged and brittle.  I recommend watching Zoolander, The Water Boy and/or Happy Gilmore. The Comedy Channel may help.

Hurry before you change into Al Franken or Michael Moore.....

No Matter What, Bush is a Loser!

When you are hated, no good deed goes unpunished.....

The Burgler Story

Sandy Berger got caught with “inadvertent” materials “inadvertently” in his pants and,  um, believe it or not, his socks.  Usually, items found in a male politician’s pants are usually associated with an Intern, not confidential classified documents from the National Archives.
What was the guy smoking/thinking?  You think the Librarians at your local Library are an uptight and an anal retentive bunch?  The National Archive Librarians will have them beat in triplicate.
Seriously, I have a friend that had to go to the National Archive for research purposes.  You had to make an appointment ahead of time. Tell them what you want. Once you got there, you were basically strip searched at the door.  The only thing you could write with is pencils.  You had to swear not to bend, fold, mutilate and/or change any document, lest you find yourself on the receiving end of a Federal Issue. 

So Berger thinks these National Archive Professonals, paid to look for the smallest detail, would not notice him taking off with documents? Again, what is he smoking?


Why Do I Love Lance Armstrong??

Armstrong ready for 'epic' finish

Why do I Love this story?
  • Lance is American
  • Specifically, a Texan
  • Cancer Survivor
  • Beating the French at a French sport
  • 5 Time winner and in the hunt for the 6th Time which would be a record

But mainly I love this sportswriter’s grasp of history:

“Armstrong punched the accelerator with his trademark high-cadence rhythm, and the favorites fell away like the French defending Paris”.

Why can’t they put reporters like this in the newsroom?


Ronstadt Causes a Rucas

Sorry to cloud your enjoyment, but I don’t like to buy your records either…..


With Apologies to Bob Dole: Where’s the Outrage!!!

We keep being told how America is fatally flawed in character because We allowed slavery at one time in our history.  Never mind that We, as a country, fought a war over it and hundreds of thousands died.  Never mind that We passed laws outlawing the vestiges of the system found in Jim Crow laws and institutionalized discrimination and segregation. 
All of that is history.  The only thing we can be responsible for today is what is going on today. 
I think we can all agree that slavery is repugnant.  I would like to see what would constitute a “decent person”  that would believe otherwise.  Hell’s Bells folks, we as a people,  find it morally repugnant to even utter the word beginning with the letter “N”.
But where are the critics of America when slavery is going on TODAY??!!!

Where is the outrage! Slavery. Real Slavery.  Not a metaphorical sense, of “I’m a slave to my art” kind of thing.  I mean the kind that is morally repugnant and reprehensible that offends the most basic sense of morality.  Systematic, state sponsored, it’s OK to own these people.    I repeat:
 But none dare utter the word “Genocide”, lest there be lawful induced obligations by UN Treaties, to actually stop it ……….
While we argue the fine points of International Law and the governing definitions, people are being slaughtered by the thousands! Leave it to Mark Steyn  to put it in perspective.

Racism may also be part of this horror. But not like you think….

By the way, those that argue that we are NOT there because NO oil is involved are wrong.
 Do you smell something distinctively French? Oui!

Guess what company owns Oil concessions in the Sudan? Guess where the problem with “rebels” occurs. Oui and Oui.....

That’s a big Oui Monsieur!

Thanks Instapundit!

The other big oil winner is China. This is in Chinese, but the graphic showing the pipeline is worth a thousand words:

Didn’t we say NEVER AGAIN after the holocaust?
Didn’t we say NEVER AGAIN after Rwanda? 

Well, don’t look at your watches too hard, but NEVER AGAIN just arrived, again.

At least some get it.

Extra Reading on this shameful situation:
In Sudan, childhoods of slavery.


Who is John Kerry?

As you are well aware, we have arrived at that painful intersection on the calendar, the election cycle.
As the Chinese curse says, "May you live in interesting times" In case you haven't noticed, we are! It is very exciting and nerve wracking to wake up everyday to see what further developments await us.
The idealist in me is excited by the hand that history has dealt us. While really horrible things have happened and could still happen (and probably will happen), we, as a people, have been given an extraordinary opportunity to bring freedom to oppressed people of the world. This is unprecedented in history. We can be remembered as the Americans who are not conquering people, but liberators.
Or we can be remembered as Fickle. Soft. Unnerved. Weak. Decadent.
In case you are not aware, the Democratic candidate, John Kerry, served in Vietnam. While it is generally conceded that he did so honorably, he returned to the U.S. and became a war protester. He became the president of an organization known as Vietnam Veterans Against the War (V VAW). While I believe that the 1st Amendment protecting free speech is expansive and absolute, I find the activities of this group in a time of war to be fairly radical. I am willing to concede that this was a very turbulent time in our history, and most people have put the protests and activities in context and generally forget what occurred. This would not have one grain of significance today except for the fact that Kerry wants to be the Commander in Chief..
I found this website and feel it is important and that it needs to be brought to the attention of as many people as possible.
Winter Soilder
This website shows what Kerry did as a protestor and member of V VAW. It is very enlightening.
For instance, Kerry wrote a book called "The New Soldier". This book is out of print and is difficult to find. It is a book that Kerry does not want you to know about. The book is on the website. You can read it and look at the pictures. (I don't know if it is the entire book or not.) http://ice.he.net/~freepnet/kerry/index.php?topic=NewSoldier
The website also has:
Kerry testimony before congress complete FBI Files on V VAW
While this is all fairly good stuff, it is somewhat pedestrian. What has me going is this picture.
It is a picture of Kerry meeting with the Communist leaders of North Vietnam in 1993. Again, fairly pedestrian stuff. What has me going is WHERE it is hanging:
The War Remnants Museum
(formerly the "War Crimes Museum")
in Saigon Picture taken May 2004
That's right, the North Vietnam Communists have "honored" Kerry as a contributor to the victory the communist achieved. In all fairness, the North Vietnam Communists believe the war protestors gave them the upper hand and made victory possible. But then again, there are no other war protestors running for Commander in Chief this year…….
I can't encourage you enough to go look at the picture and the background on the museum in which it was found.
It is so important to be educated and up on not only current events, but background. We know who Bush is now. He brought us through some very dark times. He's not perfect, but name me a candidate that is! Who is Kerry? 20 or so years in the Senate and nothing to show for it? A Rich guy for the "little guy"? A North Vietnamese war hero? Is this the Manchurian Candidate? Do we want him to "lead" the war on terror? Will we be safe waiting for permission slips from the U.N. (specifically France, Germany and Russia) before we go after our enemies? Hey, at least he has great hair!
Our votes this coming November will be critical to our future. To paraphrase Prime Miniser Margaret Thatcher from the first Gulf War to the first George Bush, Don't go wobbly on our troops, and our future. We are facing an extremely evil enemy. We will be fighting it for many years. If we (as a people) go wobbly we will prove Osama Bin Laden's tactics right; Americans have no resolve to follow through. Hit America, then ride out the wrath. They'll go home. Think Black Hawk Down. Bin Laden trained those troops in Somalia. Turning around now and changing tactics will only prolong the war (if we survive it).

Thursday, July 15, 2004

Right Mom Starts!

Now, repeat after me:

"Right Mom"!!