
Mom Knows Best......

Friday, June 03, 2005

Final Sith Thoughts: And the Moral of the Story is.......

I know, all of you are getting bored with this. Sorry.

I got to see it again. I went with my brother. Actually, that was pretty special. We saw Star Wars: A New Hope together the first time back in the summer of '77. I was 15 and he was 7. (Note: Neither one of us knew what this was about. Our dad took us in Oklahoma City. There wasn't an extra seat to spare. When the now famous scroll started its trek across the screen, there was some giggling and laughter. By the time the smaller ship got swallowed up by the bigger ship, you could have heard a pin drop. At the end of the movie, I swear some people actually stood and clapped. It was so awesome! Our dad does not like Sci Fi stuff. I think the only reason he took us is because he promised to bring us to a movie and it was the only one that was not Rated "R'. There were not many kid's films in the 70's. The ones that were around were very hokey. But I digress a bit, sorry.)

For us to see the last Star Wars together kind of pulls it all together and puts us back where we began, much like this movie weaves the whole entire saga of 6 episodes.

This is a true legend/fairy tail/myth. Can you imagine any of the main characters going home and putting up dishes? Or washing clothes? Or mopping floors? Or shopping for groceries? Of course not! Characters of tales never inhabit the real world of the mundane the rest of us occupy.

These are the things I liked:
  • The element that struck me this time is how much I enjoyed the opening 30 minutes. This was Star Wars in its prime. Two heroes trying to save the day and did so with wit and pluck and super natural powers(via the Force). It was sooooo enjoyable. It will be sooooo missed.
  • I loved seeing the scene Padme tells Anakin she is pregnant.That worked so well. Anakin had about a dozen reactions, and then said it was the happiest day of his life. That was his high water mark. He was returning home a hero and a father-to-be. After that moment, his life went downhill fast; very bittersweet.
  • Seeing the babies, Luke and Leia, delivered to their new homes(without any dialogue), while listening to the John Williams music break into the score we know so well from A New Hope.


A lot of people are trying to tie this movie and it's principles to current events, which is not un-common. We see in things we want to see. Something this large and grand must have some nugget of truth to it somewhere.

Well, here is mine:

Gifted people tend to think the rules are
for everyone else,
but themselves

That's right. How many times did Anakin say he "wanted to be a Jedi" or be the "most powerful Jedi" or "that isn't the Jedi way", all at the same time he was secretly married to Padme, which was against the Jedi code? He had career aspirations for a place he could never inhabit.

How many times have you witnessed at work or school that the "favorite" or the "smartest" got to get away with breaking rules that no one else could? That's what happened here.

In life, those that are the favorite, probably never pay for their flaunting of rules like Anakin did (Unfortunately for the rest of the galaxy, they paid for Anakin's flaunting of these rules.)

You will hear and read a lot about how if only Anakin had learned to "let go" and not be attached to his mother or Padme, things probably would have been different. That is true; but it was the failure of those around him to make him adhere to the rules that allowed him to keep these attachments. The Jedi enabled him to continue as he wished, not as he should have done. Because of that, the whole galaxy fell apart.

Thankfully, the whole galaxy does not pay for our mistakes; just those that love us.


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