
Mom Knows Best......

Tuesday, December 28, 2004

Update: Link to new Posts on Lone Star Times

I have posted a few more articles on Lone Star Times:

I hope you take a look!

Monday, December 27, 2004

Perspective During Christmas in 2004

Real life can rarely measure up to unreal expectations.

That is what happens year after year during Christmas. We try every year (especially the moms) to make this the *Perfect* Christmas. We mostly fail in this quest in unrealistic expectations.

The result is that after Christmas, we all feel a little let down.

I know this year was a bit of a let down because I BROKE my FOOT! I didn't just break a bone and snap an tendon in my foot, it was my RIGHT foot. Now I can't drive!!


But you know, at least I'm not here.

If you are feeling let down in any way, think about the suffering in the Pacific Rim..... At least we are not there. WE are BLESSED!!!

Friday, December 24, 2004

Christmas In Terms We Can Relate To

This is an awesome column , titled One child, a sacrifice and a new beginning for all written by Tim Chavez of the Tennessean. He takes if from an email he received, which was based on a book written by Matthew Kelly. But still, I did not think a column like this would come from a Mainstream Media source.

"It happened that a great virus swept the world over the course of a year. Everyone, regardless of where they lived or how much they possessed, was getting sick. And dying."......

Very powerful and very relevant for today's world.

This did hit me very hard because I have only one son. I cannot imagine signing the release as this father did.....

Please read it all!

Thursday, December 23, 2004

War on Terror: What are we fighting for?

Back in May, Krauthammer wrote an outstanding article linking the war on terror with sexual liberation for women. I thought he was correct, as usual.

He observes:

For the jihadists, at stake in the war against the infidels is the control of women. Western freedom means the end of women's mastery by men, and the end of dictatorial clerical control over all aspects of sexuality -- in dress, behavior, education, the arts.

He also wrote:

It is no accident that jihadists around the world are overwhelmingly male. It is very rare to find a woman suicide bomber. And when you do, like the young woman who blew herself up in Gaza killing four others last January, it turns out that she herself was a victim of sexual subjugation -- a wife accused of adultery, marked for death, who decided to die a martyr rather than a pariah. But die she must.

This article was written to explain why the Abu Graib scandal was such a big deal in the Arab world. But his observations have much more resonance than just explaining a scandal.

I have explained to anyone that will listen, that the war on terror is all about keeping my girls out of burkas and all of my kids alive and not being killed for rejecting conversion to Islam. This may seem like a very extreme reaction, but if you listen to Osama bin Laden, he wants everyone to be Muslim (he calls it the "Worldwide Caliphate"). As history has shown, when Islam conquers a land, the people must submit to the Koran or die. That is history.

For those that deny that history will repeat, that Islam has become much more warm, fuzzy and reasonable, see this post in the Lone Star Times titled "Absolute Savagery". It shows a women being buried up to her waist so that she can be stoned to death for adultery!!!

While I am no great apologist for adultery, I don't believe being stoned to death is even close to being reasonable. Far from it. Adultery, in my mind, should have no governmental response or involvement (except maybe as a fact in a divorce proceeding). You should also understand that in the Muslim world, a women can be convicted of adultery for being raped. The guy usually gets off with his life intact. If you want to know more about this kind of religious "justice", please see the Faith Freedom website for much more info (guaranteed to make your stomach ache).

The next time you see a Muslim cleric prattling on about how "equal" the sexes are in Islam, think about this poor woman........ And question exactly what they mean about being "equal".

I thank God everyday that I was born in a free America, and my children were born here too. I can't even begin to imagine my fate if I were born elsewhere.....

Update..... Finally!

Sorry for the long pause. I've been very busy!!

In case you don't know, I lost my job in late September. This is the first time in my life I have actually gotten unemployment. I'm taking the opportunity to tie up some loose ends, beginning with decluttering and cleaning out my home! (as well as looking for that new job!!)

I found this site, and it has been very helpful: The Flylady

If you are having a hard time in being organized at home, this is a great big help.

In the meantime, I have been reconnecting with my family. It has been quite an eye opener how much I didn't realize was going on. This is a very needed wakeup call for me. I have also been able to reconnect with some long lost friends.. One of which, actually moved into the area recently. She has been a tremendous help to me.

I have also been blogging with the new site, Lone Star Times. It is affiliated with a local talk radio station, 700 KSEV.

Here are the related posts:

Hopefully, as I pull my life back together, I will be able to post more often. I am really glad things worked out as they did. It has been a gift, really. Not everyone gets an opportunity to get their life in order prior to major tragedy striking.

I have been very fortunate.