
Mom Knows Best......

Tuesday, July 20, 2004

With Apologies to Bob Dole: Where’s the Outrage!!!

We keep being told how America is fatally flawed in character because We allowed slavery at one time in our history.  Never mind that We, as a country, fought a war over it and hundreds of thousands died.  Never mind that We passed laws outlawing the vestiges of the system found in Jim Crow laws and institutionalized discrimination and segregation. 
All of that is history.  The only thing we can be responsible for today is what is going on today. 
I think we can all agree that slavery is repugnant.  I would like to see what would constitute a “decent person”  that would believe otherwise.  Hell’s Bells folks, we as a people,  find it morally repugnant to even utter the word beginning with the letter “N”.
But where are the critics of America when slavery is going on TODAY??!!!

Where is the outrage! Slavery. Real Slavery.  Not a metaphorical sense, of “I’m a slave to my art” kind of thing.  I mean the kind that is morally repugnant and reprehensible that offends the most basic sense of morality.  Systematic, state sponsored, it’s OK to own these people.    I repeat:
 But none dare utter the word “Genocide”, lest there be lawful induced obligations by UN Treaties, to actually stop it ……….
While we argue the fine points of International Law and the governing definitions, people are being slaughtered by the thousands! Leave it to Mark Steyn  to put it in perspective.

Racism may also be part of this horror. But not like you think….

By the way, those that argue that we are NOT there because NO oil is involved are wrong.
 Do you smell something distinctively French? Oui!

Guess what company owns Oil concessions in the Sudan? Guess where the problem with “rebels” occurs. Oui and Oui.....

That’s a big Oui Monsieur!

Thanks Instapundit!

The other big oil winner is China. This is in Chinese, but the graphic showing the pipeline is worth a thousand words:

Didn’t we say NEVER AGAIN after the holocaust?
Didn’t we say NEVER AGAIN after Rwanda? 

Well, don’t look at your watches too hard, but NEVER AGAIN just arrived, again.

At least some get it.

Extra Reading on this shameful situation:
In Sudan, childhoods of slavery.



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