
Mom Knows Best......

Tuesday, July 20, 2004

The Burgler Story

Sandy Berger got caught with “inadvertent” materials “inadvertently” in his pants and,  um, believe it or not, his socks.  Usually, items found in a male politician’s pants are usually associated with an Intern, not confidential classified documents from the National Archives.
What was the guy smoking/thinking?  You think the Librarians at your local Library are an uptight and an anal retentive bunch?  The National Archive Librarians will have them beat in triplicate.
Seriously, I have a friend that had to go to the National Archive for research purposes.  You had to make an appointment ahead of time. Tell them what you want. Once you got there, you were basically strip searched at the door.  The only thing you could write with is pencils.  You had to swear not to bend, fold, mutilate and/or change any document, lest you find yourself on the receiving end of a Federal Issue. 

So Berger thinks these National Archive Professonals, paid to look for the smallest detail, would not notice him taking off with documents? Again, what is he smoking?



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