It's Time to Move!!!
I'm not going to post here anymore. I have my own domain, and it has been dressed up and then some.
So, go here to see what I've done (well actually what Rachel of the WebDivas have done) to decorate the new place:
Mom Knows Best......
More to come... as I said, this is an effort to organize thoughts a bit.
I'm thinking the communist might be better, marginally. I mean, they do let Yao Ming off his ankle leash from time to time to make commercials and stuff. They do seem to love money more than Carl Marx, although they like the control communism brings (your web usage will be VERY tightly monitored).
So I wish all of you at Marathon, Good Luck!
As for a little site news, I am undergoing a site refurb. The Webdivas are taking care of it for me, and I am waiting patiently for the results (not!). I am even going to have my own Domain. (As Napoleon Dynamite would say: SWEET!)
I guess you have noticed that I haven't been posting as much lately. I've been trying to save up for the new site. Plus, I have been pretty busy with the new job and everything else.
To wrap up, sorry about the light posting, but get ready to move to my new home:!
I'll let you know when to head over to the new digs. I think you are going to love it!
There's more, but I think you get the jist.
The last one is something I thought about earlier, but have not brought up.
It seemed to me that there was some animosity toward the Jedi by the general populace, especially shown in Episode II. Why would this be if the Jedi were so pure and wonderful? By the time you get to Episode IV, you see several instances of the Jedi and The Force being referred to as an old and pitiful religion. (Darth Vader almost takes out one of the command staff on the Death Star for such a snide comment.) Why?
I believe this is so for many reasons, chief among them that the Jedi were not seen often, but they were "mysterious" and if you had any dealing with them, it was probably not a happy contact (much like our contact with police today). Look at how the club patrons in Episode II kept watching Anakin and Obi Wan. They were not exactly welcoming. (Not to even mention some of the drivers that cussed out Obi Wan during the chase scene right before....But that could be attributed to "road rage".)
I think one of the main reasons would be the concern of the Jedi to be able to "read" your thoughts or emotions or be able to use a Jedi Mind suggestion. Frankly, if I knew a whole class of people could get a little personal with my thoughts, I would be a bit freaked out by the thought of them being nearby.
This brought to mind (pardon the pun) the similar dilemma in Babylon 5. In the B5 universe, the Telepaths were also identified at childhood and were made to join the Psy Corp or take drugs to suppress the telepathic ability. This was donebecausee the ordinary citizen was very leary of telepaths running around in the general population. It is interesting to note that even in the B5 universe, this brought a great deal of conflict (the Telepath War) and division.
So, what are the similarities and contrasts? Discuss amongst yourselves........