
Mom Knows Best......

Friday, January 07, 2005


I posted a story on Lone Star Times about a mistake that saved a Marine's life titled "Do you believe in Mistakes?" posted here. David Benzion, the Managing Editor of Lone Star Times, posted essentially the same story (same origins, Blackfive), except the entire email is quoted. He also added that Dan Patrick intervied the mother mentioned in the story, Becky Williams. (Another big difference in my story: I didn't mention the word "tampons" in the title which did not make it quite so sensational......)

I would like to add a couple of updates of my own.

My brother, a volunteer EMT with Cy-Fair, (and a "Paid" Firefighter with the Port of Houston) keeps pads in the emergency kit because they are very effective with bleeding situations.... (or at least they used to)

Also, I was telling my best friend, who is a nurse, about this. She told me about a time that she used tampons on a plane flight back from Jamaica to stop a very severe nose bleed on another passenger (the guy had a little too much coca recreation, if you know what I mean).

Both of them wondered why the feminine hygiene makers are not packaging their products as medical "bandages" since their products are so effective. But as my friend the nurse put it, maybe it's best they don't. The Pentagon could buy tampons a lot cheaper as they are than if they were packaged as something else.


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