
Mom Knows Best......

Friday, October 15, 2004

Is There a Republic in our Future?

The thin veneer of our society runs on assumption:
  • People generally obey laws
  • There will be food and supplies when you need them, at the store
  • News reporters would not lie

We are so spoiled. We run through our lives in a frenzy doing one remarkable thing after another, without realizing it. Everything from the most mundane, like turning on a light, to the expected, stopping at stop signs, is remarkable because of technology and/or civility.

The problem is, we don't appreciate how fragile these systems are in reality. Electricity out? How many things don't work. A robbery, the cops will turn out.

We assume so much in this society, much to our detriment.

I can understand after the 2000 election, wanting to be sure that there are no irregularities in the voting process that could disrupt the system we enjoy.

But to wreck the system in order to win, is disgraceful!!!!

I have said for a very long time now that I hope whoever wins, wins big. Our Republic can't take much more of this kind of turmoil. It erodes the quiet confidence that we depend on to make our society work. If the confidence is gone, our country will be too.


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