
Mom Knows Best......

Wednesday, October 13, 2004

The Late Great Britian

I know, a lot of previous articles miles long on how The Continent, is going downhill fast.....

But this article got my attention..... Are these people suffering from mass delusions???

I am a person of faith. But sometimes, I regard myself too much. While I believe in the evil one's existance, I don't linger on it. Sometimes, that kind of thinking will allow you to forget that it is there.

The kind of incidents in this article remind me of pre-WWII Nazis. I don't banter that word around much. I'm tired of being called a Nazi and tired of the other side calling everything short of their orthodoxy, a Nazi. But where is Europe going??? where will this end up? especially with large Muslim populations?? For the first time in a while, I am getting if not outright scared, at the very least, alarmed...... As the writer took great pains to show, this is not Bush's fault. It was there long before then, festering. 9/11 and the war on terror has brought it out from the shadows.

Bush has the worst timing (not his fault), but because of inheritance:
Terrorist Attacks (9/11)
Anti- Americanism

These were all there prior to his administration, but he gets the blame, of course. Well, at least if Bush loses, Kerry will fix this, right????


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