
Mom Knows Best......

Friday, October 29, 2004

He's BAaaack!

Well, he's back...... back from the dead; back from hell, where he should be now. That fun loving fascist in a headdress is back.

I mentioned him as probably dead in Tora Bora this morning's post, then he comes back in a tape to prove us wrong...... As with most arrogant, megalomaniacs bent on world domination, he had some lovely pearls of wisdom for America. Chief among them, condemnation of George W. Bush, via the talking points from the Michael Moore wing of the Moonbat Democrats. He taunted Bush for not leaving the children's class when the attack on the Twin Towers had started and suggested that Bush stole the Florida election. Nice. I'm sure that Michael Moore is glowing with pride at this moment. Really. His "documentary" couldn't have been more successful. The imprimatur of UBL just sealed it.

What did candidate Kerry have to say about this turn of events? Well first, he spit out the pre-canned statement that he has been saving for this special occasion, in case it arrived. It actually wasn't bad. But then he had to keep talking..... And that wasn't very good. He used this occasion to tell voters that if he were president, he would have been more effective, and insinuated that hew would have already finished off UBL. Really? I can't imagine that John Kerry has ever really finished any job he started. He left Vietnam early (he had 3 purple hearts you know). He then went on to protest the very same war and become a nationally recognized leader in the movement. He left 5 months after acquiring the leadership role, even though the war was still in full swing. Have you noticed he doesn't talk about his Senate career? That's 20 years on the resume. Trust me, if I were interviewing for a job and the last one had lasted for 20 years, I better be ready to talk about some sort of accomplishments. He hasn't. He keeps going back to Vietnam. Didn't we as a country MoveOn from that....... In many ways, he hasn't done his job there because he hasn't attended that many sessions and committee meetings. It's hard to accomplish something when you aren't there.

But I digress......

Now, the UBL Devil has returned. What is his next move? I don't know what it is, but there are a lot of very dedicated, very smart and talented people out there working hard to find out and foil his plans. I can't help but pray for them, and hope you do the same. Whatever UBL’s plans are, they are evil and involve death to innocent Americans.

And there will be other Americans that will think we deserve it...........


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