A Child of "Fair Game"
Mary Cheney was mentioned by name by Vice Presidential Candidate, John Edwards during his debate with Cheney, as well as Kerry.
Mention of someone by name twice in one week by the same campaign; not a coincidence.....
It was a blatant attempt to stir up Bush's base against him. At least in the mind of the Democratic operatives, the Republican/Conservative/Christian fundamentalist logic would be:
- Mary Cheney is a Lesbian
- Lesbians are bad
- Lesbians hate God
- Dick Cheney is Mary's Dad
- Dick Cheney is bad and hates God
- Dick Cheney is Bush's Vice President
- OH NO: Can't vote for Bush because of that Evil Dick Cheney!
What Democrats don't understand is that Republicans love their families, first and foremost.
Maybe a few people might have such flawed biased logic like this and vote for Kerry or stay home. But I don't think many exist.
I think it has struck a lot of people the wrong way because this was a low blow.
After the debate, Mary Beth Cahill commented to Fox News that Mary Cheney was "fair game". Oh really, the discrete Ms Cheney is to be hunted down and used against her father? Yeah, that's fair if you are fighting with Darth Vadar!
I won't even mention the arm chair psychology being espoused by John and Elizabeth Edwards..... I wonder how they would have felt if Bush said something that would tie legislation that Kerry voted against with any particular situation within their family? (Note: That would make me very peeved with Bush as well.)
But I digress.....
The thing I wonder is how is Mary Cheney doing? I hope she is surrounded by lots of loving friends and family now. She needs to be. If I were being used against my father or mother, it would absolutely destroy me! That's what I think is so cheap about this. Mary Cheney, by all accounts, loves her father and he loves her. How devastating this must be to be placed in the middle.
No wonder no one will want to run for office!!!
P.S. Mary, we all love you! You have done nothing but support and love your parents. You have been a very classy example that any child should be proud to emulate!!!! Keep your chin up!!!!!!
At 10/16/2004 10:05 AM,
Theo p. said…
Nice blog, You're right Mom. The Dem that thought the "drop Mary Cheney's name and relation to the VP when ever the topic of Homosexuality is raised in the debates" ploy would work to seperate Bush Cheney from their natural evangelical constituancy doesn't have a clue about Us. We are not the narrowminded heartless homopobes that his ploy would reqire, and to pull such a stunt implies crass and biggoted sterotyping by the Democratic ticket. The Democrats have no idea that evangelical conservatives love their children regardless of the choices they make just like everyone else and possably more so.
At 10/16/2004 10:08 AM,
Mr.Atos said…
"No wonder no one want to run for office!" That is a really good point. What we are left with are the Kerry's and the Clinton's. Without support, Statesman will vanish.
At 10/16/2004 10:10 PM,
Dave the Oklahomilist said…
I suspect you are closer to guessing the truth about the "strategy" than many others. Once again it's the arrogance of believing that most Americans see conservaties as homophobes and hypocrites, but done so clumsily as to anger a great number of Americans of all persuasions.
Keep up the good writing!
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